

Your questions, answered.

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We understand you may have questions about a EnerJet skin treatments. If you can't find the common answers below, feel free to reach out to our team on social media, or speak to a physician through our clinic finder.

How does Perfectha reduce fine lines and wrinkles?

Hyaluronic acid Acid is naturally present in the skin and helps prevent wrinkles by providing hydration and elasticity to the skin. However, ageing causes the breakdown of HA, causing the skin to lose its vitality and elasticity, leading to wrinkles appearing. Perfectha is a HA dermal filler which is injected into different layers of the skin, providing effects that last up to 18 months1,2 (dependent on treatment option(s) and area(s)).

Are the effects of Perfectha immediate?

As well as gorge results, instantly, the great thing about fillers is that there is little downtime. So if you want to look on point for a big night, you can have a quick top - up the day before and be good to go. In a very rare instance of adverse events (0.02%), the results can be reversed with an enzyme, so you will be able to return to your look in no time.

How long do Perfectha Dermal Fillers last?

Perfectha dermal fillers are not permanent. Long-term effects are dependent upon the depth and choice of the treatment required. Results can last up to 18 months1,2 in areas such as cheekbones or the chin. For dynamic areas such as the lips, results tend to last approximately 6 months2.

Where can dermal fillers be used?

The Perfectha range is comprised of 4 different products. Each Perfectha variant has been specifically developed for different treatment areas. This includes the nose,lips and cheekbones. They can treat many different signs of ageing, from fine lines around the eyes and lips, to deep wrinkles between the nose and mouth and volume loss.

Are Perfectha dermal fillers safe?

Yes, Perfectha is considered very safe to use throughout the face and hands. It has a very low adverse event rate and has had a CE mark for use within the EU and European countries since 2007. It is registered and launched in more than 70 countries around the world. Perfectha is not FDA cleared for use in the United States of America.

How often should I have dermal filler treatments?

The period of time between Perfectha treatments will vary depending on product used, treatment area(s) and individual differences. Your physician will also have their own preferred timeline, post procedure, where they can assess your treatment results over time to determine the optimal time to ‘top-up’ different treatment areas, for the best results.

What are the aftercare recommendations?

It is recommended to apply ice packs to the treated area for several minutes in order to minimize swelling. Your physician will recommend any specific aftercare related to your individual treatment. The patient should be advised not to apply make-up for 24 hours following the injection and to avoid prolonged exposure to UV rays, temperatures below 0°C, saunas and Turkish baths for 2 to 3 weeks following the injection.

Are there any side effects with Perfectha or HA fillers?

Like all procedures of this type there is a possibility of adverseevents, although not everybody experiences them. These adverse events include but are not limited to infection, minimal acute inflammatory tissue reaction (redness,swelling, rash, oedema, erythema, lumps/nodules etc.), pain (which may be
temporary or persistent in nature), transient haematoma or bruising. For a full list
consult Instructions for Use.

Where can I have a Perfectha treatment?

You can use our clinic finder to research clinics local to you. Click here to get started.

Ask a question

If you have any questions about Perfectha please let us know here, or contact us on social media.